I'm sorry I've been so long in following through paying this award forward......
Myrna of Cherish the Word so graciously named me for this award.....I truly appreciate her
thinking of me.....I know I'm not a deep thinker nor motivator...so it certainly makes me feel humble......
The purpose of the award is to, in the words of the originator of the award,
make you reflect on five bloggers who have been an encouragement, a source of love, impacted you in some way, and have been a Godly example to you . Five bloggers who, when you reflect on them, you get a sense of pride and joy..of knowing them and being blessed by them. This award is for the best-of-the-best so consider who you pick carefully. This award should not be given to just anyone. If you're going to do the award don't just write a few words and slap it on your blog. Write real thoughts about these bloggers and what they've meant to you. If the bloggers you pick have already been given the award, don't be afraid to give it to them again. They deserve it as many times as it's given."
So, I now have to choose 5 bloggers who I think also deserve this award. To be truthful, you all deserve it.
Here goes:
Connie's Thoughts From the Heart.....Connie never fails to share a story, or scripture that brings home a point....Her examples and comments always bring praise and honor to our Lord and Savior.....I always benefit from reading her blog and you will too.
Amy, Ponderings from Picketfence Cottage.......Amy is a fine example of a Christian wife and mother....She is a teacher and homeschools four of their six children......not only does she teach them academics but by example.....patience, scripture, love of books, creative writing and living godly lives.......
Barbara, Ramblings from an English Garden......Barbara, from the first time I visited her blog, just exudes Christian values and a great testimony for our Lord...she is always encouraging and upbeat...a very successful gardener......loves her family....
Marion, Reflection of the Seasons......The very first comment that I dared to leave was on Marion's blog....she emailed me the very next day....I was so shocked that she would take the time to get in touch with me. From then on we have developed a friendship that has enriched my life tremendously....Marion is so able to convey her thoughts to words that delight me and so many others. She knows first hand what pain and suffering are but just carries on with a smile...her garden in Wales is a testimony of hard work and artistic design....
Horizon, Message In A Bottle....This lady in Scotland is a perfect example of a loving wife, mother, daughter and sister and most of all friend.....She adds so much variety to her blog....
She takes us on delightful tours, quotes poetry, shows us her beautiful garden, tells us what her children are doing, and when she's absent from blogging for awhile, we miss her terribly.....