Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Some of my favorite 'punkins'............

Recently, we were in Madison and enjoyed a trip to 'The Pumpkin Patch'.

Ellie, John and Alexander had fun selecting 'just the perfect pumpkin'.

Needless to say, they're three of my favorite 'punkins'!

Ellie, John and Alexander


Happy October to every one!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Signs of fall around our home...

A few signs of fall around our
home...cooler weather, the farm machinery humming around the country side, the white cotton fields ready for harvesting, peanuts plowed up waiting to be picked for lots of my favorite food...crunchy peanut butter!

BTW...I've known for sometime that someone is following me and you can see that someone in the third picture down.  She steps on the scales behind me when I weigh adding additional pounds...she saps my energy when I'm not paying attention and many other things I'm sure she's responsible for...do you have such a person in your home?

Happy Fall YALL!   GOD BLESS!